Resourceful lawyers in strait-jackets
Resourceful lawyers can escape their predicament even though it’s a fantastic game provided by the A-Maze company. Strait-jackets and unsolvable conundrums? Bring it on!
It is so much fun to see how a team of minds and characters can solve riddles and advance goals using particular strenghts of each member. If It’s true that difficulties break the weak and reinforce the strong, then Allen Madelin team is certainly strong.
The description wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t mention how welcoming, friendly and full of fun and energy the game organizers are. Probably this is the major difference between the escape games and everyday professional life of a lawyer.
WOW. Très belle équipe ! Des supers avocats qui ne se prennent pas au sérieux et qui ont le sens de l’humour. Cela change de ce que l’on voit d’habitude !