best international family lawyer
best international family lawyer

What lawyer might be the best when it comes to international legal issues in a family case?

International family law issues

Divorces nowadays are becoming more and more international, involving family members living in different jurisdictions (provinces, states) and in different countries. Even in the divorcing spouses live now in the same place, they might have married in a different one. They might have lived in another country (or countries) before marriage. They might have pre-nuptial agreements and marriage contracts drafted and signed in one country while the rules apply differently in another. In some complicated international cases spouses originating from different countries came to a third one for a marriage with the intent to move to a fourth country right after.

Children’s rights

The rights of their children might be seen differently in various jurisdictions, especially if one parent left with a minor child to another country while another parent stays with the second minor child.

They might have children born before marriage (and maybe receiving some child and spousal support already) and then children born in their new jurisdiction. One child might have a serious disability and special needs, while another might be a promising sportsman in need for special training and equipment — in another country for long periods, putting the residential address in question.

An adopted child might find him or herself in a country where adoption is not legal.

Property issues

The spouses’ parents might help with buying property with or without correctly made loan or gift agreements, their parents might become their surety guarantors for a mortgage (hypothec). There might be that one spouse already had a house bought before the marriage, while still paying mortgage during the marriage. Another one might have sold his(her) house to help paying for the family one. The couple might have property in several countries, all with different rules regarding the status of such a property.

Income issues

One spouse might leave a promising job for the sake of bringing up children but might have a gambling problem at the same time, dilapidating significant amounts of money. To add to the mess, there might be some inheritance coming during the marriage and used for another spouse’s business startup, and so on.

Best international family lawyer

So, what lawyer would be the best in the circumstances? There is probably no one there with profound knowledge of all the nuances of family law in hundreds of jurisdictions. Of course, the first step is to decide what will be your jurisdiction of divorce — there will be your starting point of looking for a lawyer. But then you’ll need someone familiar with potential international family law problems, preferably having connections with family lawyers abroad and ready to work in a team, to protect your rights best.

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