adoption lawyer

Best adoption lawyer

Adoption is complicated in itself. But it becomes even more complicated if there is contestation: biological parents might go against it, international law might put in some obstacles, authorities might be not convinced or, when it comes to surrogacy, artificial insemination or other contractual agreement, there might be even an illegal aspect, which was not properly considered when the whole project started.

When you need an adoption lawyer

When it comes to adoption, we’d say it’s best to have an adoption lawyer around from the start. Particularly, if it comes to some kind of a contract, international adoption or taking a child from a foster family. Certainly, if some contestation is involved — you might need go all the way to the Court of Appeal eventually, and mistakes made at the start are really hard to correct later.

But even if your situation is relatively straightforward (like your spouse wishes to adopt your child, when the other parent was never on his birth certificate), long-term consequences of even a minor mistake might be significant. And even more for the child than for the parents. One day, decades after, it will be much harder for the child (an adult person then) to deal with a small clerical mistake: be it with respect to the line of succession, making decisions for incapable adoptive parents, moving to another country, etc.

You can contact Allen Madelin lawyers for a consultation in adoption matters by phone 1 514 904 4017 or by email [email protected].

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