Financial Abuse of the Elderly – How to Spot It and What to Do?
Financial Abuse of the Elderly Financial Abuse of the Elderly – How to Spot It and What to Do? Financial abuse of the elderly is a growing concern, as vulnerable…
Financial Abuse of the Elderly Financial Abuse of the Elderly – How to Spot It and What to Do? Financial abuse of the elderly is a growing concern, as vulnerable…
assistant to an adult Since 2022, a support measure called "assistant to an adult" has been in place in Quebec for capable but vulnerable persons. Unlike tutorship or protection mandates,…
Best Elder Law Attorney Elder law is a vital legal field in Quebec, especially in a society with a steadily aging population. The challenges faced by seniors are diverse, ranging…
Financial Elder Abuse Financial elder abuse is a growing problem in Quebec. This type of abuse often involves exploiting the financial resources of seniors, which can include fraud, theft, or…
In Quebec, a person is considered incapable when they are unable to make informed decisions for themselves, whether regarding personal, financial, or medical matters, due to a physical or mental…