What is advance medical directives? Since January 1, 2016 every adult person (capable to consent to medical treatment) can also indicate in advance what medical services this person is willing to…
What is advance medical directives? Since January 1, 2016 every adult person (capable to consent to medical treatment) can also indicate in advance what medical services this person is willing to…
Settle an Estate Quebec How long does it take to settle an estate in Quebec? The Deceased has died several months ago, and you ask yourself how much does it…
Do you know that in Quebec one should probate a will, except for the notarial wills? This probation by the courts procedure makes a non-notarial will official. A notarial will made…
When a person dies, a will search is one of the first things to do. It is important to find out whether or not the deceased had a will registered in the…
Undue influence (captation), as you may know, is a reason to annul a Will. This means that the singing person was not really making a free and informed choice. In other…
Power of attorney A power of attorney is a contract in which a person (mandator) authorizes another person (mandatary) to represent and perform certain act on his behalf. For example, you might want…
Say, you want to contest a will and you need some proof. What are the good proofs? A bad argument is often worse than no argument, because it irritates a judge…
You are sure that the will “smells bad” and yet the testator was in his sound mind? Then the question is usually if the testator’s consent to change his Will was free…
Capacity to testate often becomes a reason to contest a Will. In Laroque c Gagnon (2016 QCCA 1237) the Court of Appeal has looked into the case where the person signed a Will,…
You want to probate a mandate in case of incapacity (now called a “protection mandate“)? The mandator’s mental stalility is probably already changed, most probably. Likewise, same might be true about the…