Divorce can be an emotionally and legally complex process, especially for individuals and families who face unique cultural challenges. For Punjabi communities in Quebec, the complexities are often compounded by…
Divorce can be an emotionally and legally complex process, especially for individuals and families who face unique cultural challenges. For Punjabi communities in Quebec, the complexities are often compounded by…
certificate of heredity A certificate of heirship (heredity) in the jurisdiction of Quebec is a document that confirms the identity of a deceased person's heirs and their right to receive…
If you’re considering a divorce, it’s important to ask the right questions to ensure you understand the legal process, your rights, and potential outcomes. Here are key questions to ask…
Last Will and Living Will On September 27 our Allen Madelin lawyers team visited Vista Residence in Montreal to speak before its residents about the important rights of the elderly…
lawyer consultation 125 Choosing a lawyer is sometimes equal to make an important life decision. Definitely not less serious than choosing a car. Some even say it is as important…
intitial consultation parking Comfort is a key. When you are not sure what kind of legal advice (if any), paying a full price for a consultation seems to be burdensome.…
lawyer near me Online consultations made a lot of lawyers much more accessible. Good thing that it is much easier (and less expensive) to consult a lawyer whose office is…