Me Marie Madelin (of Allen Madelin Lawyers) performed in a vibrant and captivating manner on Radio Canada in October 2021. Disentangling complicated questions of tutorship and curatorship and taking Britney Spears as an example, Me Madelin drew the listeners’ attention to the major considerations and caveats when it comes to rights and obligations of curators and tutors in Quebec — be it for minor children or for inapt elderly persons. Me Madelin explained the difference between Protection mandate regime, provisional administration of property, tutorship and curatorship, the role of a notary, a lawyer, a doctor and a social worker, the Public Curator and the Superior Court. Me Madelin compared total and partial inability, temporary and permanent one, the needs and rights, criteria and factors in question and discussed the possibility to contest certain actions in Court. Me Madelin expressed her concerns about the issue of abuse of elderly people and explained what preemptive steps would be prudent to take. If you foresee such a situation in your life, your family or at work, listening to the recording of this episode would definitely be a great source of information for you.
You can listen to the recording by the link below: