Comfort is a key. When you are not sure what kind of legal advice (if any), paying a full price for a consultation seems to be burdensome. What about a consultation for roughly one third of a price?
Initial consultation one can afford, parking is a plus
But for a quality of one’s work provided, what can add to the value? Convenience! A user-friendly service is important not only in computer industry, but also (if not even more) when it comes to a law firm. An inexpensive first consultation ($ 125 at the time when this entry was written) in person, via phone or online, simple and straightforward access, widely available parking spots, several spoken languages, friendly legal assistants, solid lawyer’s expertise and general diversity — all those factors add to ease, comfort and affordability of working with a legal advisor.
Before starting a long-lasting legal affair, it’s a good idea to meet your potential lawyer, discuss your case and evaluate how comfortable you’d be visiting the chosen law and to communicate with the staff.
Allen Madelin Lawyers work on daily basis with a variety of legal issues. First consultation is offered for $ 125. For details, please contact us by phone: 1 514 904 4017 or by email: [email protected].