Latent defects should exist before purchase
Claim There is no separate claim in defamation in the Civil Code of Quebec. The usual article 1457 of Civil Code of Quebec (on civil responsibility) applies. The requirements are,… Another requirement for a valid claim regarding latent defect is certain gravity of the defect itself.
Defamation: where you can find it The word « defamation » brings us in the context where the rights guaranteed by the Quebec Charter are clashing: freedom of expression against one’s privacy,…
The term “provisional costs” (provision pour frais) is used when a Court orders that a richer party pays for the not-so-rich party’s lawyers and other expenses. The idea is to…
It’s not uncommon nowadays that one of the divorcing spouses is in Quebec, while the other is elsewhere in the world, be it the other provinces of Canada or other…
The infamous problem of a latent defect appears when you buy a fancy piece of immovable property which later on reveals foundation cracks, mould, roof leaks and other unpleasant surprises. What…
Is COVID-19 a reason good enough for the tenants to ask for reduced rent or to stop paying? Is COVID-19 being a force majeure reason? These questions made it to…
During the initial consultations my clients often ask me if I have some experience with estate battle. I answer usually that I only deal with inheritance disputes, unfortunately. Usually if…